
Redwood Garden, founded in 2003, is a home-based, Waldorf-inspired preschool located in Northwest Berkeley. For children ages 2 years six months 

to 5 years, it offers a program in which childhood is respected and nurtured. In a setting of warmth, beauty and calm, there is ample space for the child’s 

natural creative play and imaginative expression. There is a rhythm to the week and to the day, with a soft flow between lively child-lead creative play 

and quieter, teacher-lead activities. Here the children take much joy in creating—painting, drawing, crafts, gardening, cooking and baking—inspired by 

the season and what is happening in the natural world. Both during indoor and outdoor play, there is much opportunity for movement and sensory 

exploration, important needs of the young child. In the magical garden, the children play with wood, sand, water, and mud. “Magic potions” are made with

 water, leaves and seeds, a “gnome’s home,” is visited under the low branches of a redwood tree, and a mother butterfly is observed as she lays eggs on the

leaves of a hollyhock plant. Lauri Miller, the founder and teacher, bring years of experience as an educator,  as a mother, and much warmth and love to the children in   

her care. 


Lauri made an indelible impact on both my child and our family. Her brilliant ability to create an environment where young 

children are simultaneously engaged and afforded a sense of freedom encouraged in my son and his classmates a spirit of 

wonder and cooperation. At Redwood Garden children are met as individuals with unique needs. They are provided with 

opportunities and context to genuinely feel the marvels of the natural world, themselves as individuals, the community they 

belong to, and the larger world community. Through song, story, craft, food, and activity Lauri creates a gentle, compassionate, 

and meaningful experience for the lucky children in her care.

—Sonja Cahoon

redwoodgardenpreschool@gmail.com | berkeley, california | 510.524.4606