Play is the work of children

Here we have a daily and weekly rhythm, so soothing to the young 

child.  There is a natural flow to our day as we move from one part 

to another, with the soft transition of imagery-filled songs guiding 

the way. Children arrive at 8:45 and enter into play with the 

unlimited possibilities granted them by their own rich imaginations in 

combination with the toys made of natural 

materials.  We then move into circle time, a time to come 

together, greet our day and one another and celebrate the season

through verse, rhyme, song and old-fashioned circle games--

meeting the young children's imaginative life as well as their 

love of and need for movement. Soon after, we begin our activity 

for the day, as we paint on Monday, partake in a craft or garden on 

Tuesday, make our own soup for snack  on Wednesday, bake bread on 

Thursday, and enjoy a park day on Friday. More play follows until 

we gather at the table for our healthy, organic snack and sing our blessing 

in thanks. The children take pride in washing their own dishes and then 

run back to play. Our friend Miss Mousie comes out to help us clean up 

before we go outside for much fun in the redwood garden. Once 

we’re back inside, the children are told a story or presented with a 

puppet show, we eat our lunch together, and then it’s back into 

mommy or daddy’s arms at 1:45, at the end of our happy day.   

“Lauri's gentleness, kindness and authentic love for the children shines through radiantly. It is clear that she takes great joy and delight in being

 with them. This shows up through the warmth with which she welcomes each child, the care she brings to their needs and hurts, the way she

 sings them out the door and back into the arms of their parents. The feeling from the children is obviously mutual as they light up when they see 

her and truly look forward to their days with her.”

—Martha Burke | berkeley, california | 510.524.4606